На тази страница можете да изтеглите Dutch Initials Normal шрифт версия 001.003, който принадлежи към семейство Dutch Initials (normal профил). Дизайнер - Paul Lloyd. Изтеглете Dutch Initials Normal безплатно на bg.GetFonts.net. Този шрифт спада към следните категории: curly, elegant, initials. Размер на шрифта – само 51 Kb
Семейство | Dutch Initials |
Профил | normal |
Идентификация | Dutch Initials Normal |
Пълно име | Dutch Initials Normal |
Версия | 001.003 |
PostScript име | DutchInitials |
Размер | 51 Kb |
Дизайнер | Paul Lloyd |
Описание на лиценза | Dear Downloader, I have prepared the enclosed font purely for my own interest and because I felt that other people might enjoy it or find it useful. I make no guarantees as to its suitablility for use with particular software (or its tastefulness!), though I am not aware of any difficulties, nor do I accept any liability for any problems it causes, though I don't expect any. (Legalistic waffle over) This font is the ultimate freeware. Feel free to use this font at will, to distribute it wherever you please, and to modify it and to convert it to other formats as you find useful. All I ask is that you send me a copy of any modifications or conversions you make (I might include them in my ftp archive unless you particularly don't want me to) and that you let me know of any archives you upload this font to. As I said, this font is freeware, developed to be enjoyed. It is not to be redistributed in any form for profit. The only charges that can be made are those to cover the costs of distribution. (Anyone wishing to include this font in a font collection, cd, etc to be sold should contact me at one of the adresses below, I'm sure some arrangement can be made.) Finally, a request, please E-mail me (or send me a postcard) and let me know what you think of this font. My e-mail address is: [email protected] and my ordinary address is : Paul Lloyd, c/- Department of Accounting & Finance, The University of Western Australia, Nedlands, Western Australia 6907, Australia. Thank you for your attention & enjoy the font, Paul |
Можете да свържете шрифта Dutch Initials Normal към Вашия сайт, без да го изтегляте от нашия сървър. Трябва единствено да следвате инструкциите по-долу:
Изберете най-подходящата опция за инсталиране на шрифта и добавете този код във Вашия сайт (поставете го веднага след началния маркер <head>):
<link href="https://bg.getfonts.net/allfont.css?fonts=dutch-initials" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
@import url(https://bg.getfonts.net/allfont.css?fonts=dutch-initials);
Активирайте шрифта за текст във Вашия CSS.:
font-family: 'Dutch Initials Normal', arial;
Примерен изходен код:
<html> <head> <link href="https://bg.getfonts.net/allfont.css?fonts=dutch-initials" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <style>body {font-family : 'Dutch Initials Normal', arial;font-size : 48px;text-shadow : 4px 4px 4px #aaa; } </style> </head> <body> <div>Making the Web Beautiful with Dutch Initials Normal!</div> </body> </html>
Можете да прилагате различни стилове и CSS, като използвате нашата библиотека с ефекти, за атрактивен и индивидуален изглед на Вашия сайт.